The research, produced jointly by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) and Ofcom, the telecoms regulator looked at various aspects of perceived harm online, with data and privacy being just one element of the research (other areas include risks from harmful content and children coming to harm online).
The findings indicate that 58% of adults in the UK are concerned about data and/or privacy online, with fraud or identify theft being the main threat of concern; 54% were concerned about hacking and security threats. 28% of adults had experienced data/privacy harms with spam email and social media being the main culprits; plus 25% had experienced harm thanks to security issues (for a range of reasons).
Overall it’s probably no surprise that data, privacy and security are high on the list of concerns. After all we hear about them in the media on a regular basis, be it the Facebook/Cambridge Analytica scandal or cyber-security incidents like the recent British Airways website hack.
You can read the full report (it’s a PowerPoint presentation) here.
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