Unlimited email & phone support
Unlimited email and phone support. Email or organise a voice call as often as you need each month.​
Up to 4 hours "hands-on" help per month
We use these "hands-on" hours to do the GDPR work for you, such as reviews, acting as your DPO, checking DPIA, dealing with breaches, training your staff, etc. (Additional hours: £100+VAT per hour)
Online resources
Our Knowledge Centre gives you access to information, guidance, topic related guides and other tools to support your GDPR and PECR compliance
Updates, alerts & briefings
We provide updates and alerts and a monthly compliance briefing. You can either sign into the Knowledge Centre or sign up via email to receive an email every time we add a new update or alert
DPO services
Whether mandated or not we can act as your Data Protection Officer (DPO) and manage your day to day compliance
Webinars, workshops & training
Whether updates on the latest issue, workshops or team training, it's all included in your monthly retainer.