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GDPR DPO HELPLINE - 3 Month Review

Taking the worry out of your GDPR & Marketing compliance

Sign up today for our 3 month DPO Helpline Review

A 3 month subscription to our DPO helpline gets you unlimited support, online resources and us taking the pain out of implementation for you. Plus compared to our usual review service you're making a saving and spreading the cost


Sign-up for The service

Just fill out the form below and we’ll take care of the rest. We’ll then be in touch to organise the review


We'll be in touch

We’ll contact you to tell you about the helpline, accessing the online resources and organising your review


Your review begins

Month 1: carry out the review online; month 2: write up our findings; month 3: implement any actions from the review

Place your order here

*All fields are required

  • The information above will only be collected for the purposes of signing up to the service.
  • Your payment for the service will be collected in advance each month. There will be a total of 3 payments, unless you wish to continue using the service once the initial 3 months are up.
  • The initial review will be carried out via Zoom and will require discussions with relevant parts of your organisation - this will typically carried out in the first month subscription. In the second month we will write up our findings. In the third week we will implement any recommended actions from our review
  • By clicking the "Complete your order" button you are agreeing to settle the 3 monthly invoices within 14 days of receipt and that you accept the terms set out in the above bullet points, as well as our Helpline Terms and Conditions

Advice & guidance tailored to your business

Mark gracey GDPR Helpline

We'll help you protect your business and your customers